- chat.freedomsite.org 90sAREover [05/Sep/2003:19:49:10 -0500] "POST /~Freedom/login HTTP/1.0" 200 1386 "http://chat.freedomsite.org:8080~Freedom"
"Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Rogers Hi·Speed Internet; (R1 1.3))"
The interpretation of the user-agent also presented Klatt with difficulties. If you surf over to www.useragentstring.com, you can see what your own user agent string is and what it means.
If at that same site you type in 90AREover's user agent string (blue above), you'll find a table like the one to the right (I've added the blue and truncated it slightly). It gives the items of the string with an explanation for each element. As you can see, R1 1.3 refers to RealOne Player, a free media player that has a built in browser. R1 obviously abbreviates "RealOne"; 1.3 was version 2.0.
Internet Explorer 6.0 | |
Mozilla | It's a Mozilla based browser |
4.0 | Mozilla Version |
compatible | Compatibility flag Indicates that this browser is compatible with a common set of features |
MSIE 6.0 | Name : MSIE 6.0 Version = 6.0 |
Windows 98 | OS-or-CPU : Windows 98 |
Rogers Hi-Speed Internet | Rogers Communications Internet provider. Partnered with Yahoo! to offer Rogers-Yahoo! Hi-Speed Internet. |
R1 1.3 | Using Real Player as a browser |
If you don't believe me, you can download your own copy from oldversion.com and visit useragentstring.com to experiment. Or you can look at the long list of user agent strings in which we find some version of the RealOne Player over at botsvsbrowsers.com.
What did Klatt make of "R1 1.3"? Below and to the right (from pp. 1634-5 of the transcripts of Warman v. Lemire) is Klatt's attempt to explain it.

Clearly he has no clue. What is worse is that he does not even know where to look for the correct answer. He did some "research on the internet", but where this led him is a bit of a mystery, since there seems to be no Cisco product with the designation CXC 15660, and no Cisco firmware update with this number. (Perhaps he has the 15600 CXC in mind?)
Trying to figure out what was his exact error is in any case unlikely to be productive. The more important point is that Klatt has failed to recognize that 90sAREover was using the browser built into the RealOne Player, which invalidates paragraphs 36 and 64 of his sworn affidavit (which you can see here), and (as I have argued here) is exculpatory for Warman.
Trying to figure out what was his exact error is in any case unlikely to be productive. The more important point is that Klatt has failed to recognize that 90sAREover was using the browser built into the RealOne Player, which invalidates paragraphs 36 and 64 of his sworn affidavit (which you can see here), and (as I have argued here) is exculpatory for Warman.
Other posts in the Klatt's clunkers series:
- Klatt's clunkers 1: Bernard Klatt given an award for tendentious testimony
- Klatt's clunkers 2: Bernard Klatt wrong on IE 6 date
- Klatt's clunkers 3: Bernard Klatt misreads the user agent string
- Klatt's clunkers 4: Bernard Klatt mistakes the combined log format for the common log format
- Klatt's clunkers 5: Bernard Klatt doesn't recognize RealPlayer browser
- Klatt's clunkers 6: Bernard Klatt on Rogers service in BC
- Klatt's Clunkers 7: Bernard Klatt doesn't understand Rogers web caching
- Klatt's Clunkers 8: Bernard Klatt comes close on proxies
- Klatt's Clunkers: why Bernard Klatt should be disbelieved (summary thread)
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