This shortly after he had a commercial blow up in his face. Peter Kent, who was once a CTV journalist, ended up having CTV deny that Pamela Wallen and Lloyd Robertson had endorsed him, after he released a video featuring them and implying otherwise (and here).
Given the proliferation of Peter Kent stories, I thought it would be useful to bring them all into one post.
A few weeks ago Dawg and I had a series of questions after it had become clear that Kent had served in various capacities with the anti-Muslim group, the Canadian Coalition for Democracies (on which see here and here and here):
Perhaps related to Peter Kent's relation to CCD:
- his radical proposal to the Israeli-Palestinian situation: A three state solution.
- CCD's odd support for the call that a Supreme Court Chief Justice be impeached over the Morgentaler award.
(I'll add to this if more stories appear that I missed.)