He claims to be representing 42 groups, which follow with links. Items that are inappropriate (e.g., because they are private businesses) or double-counted have been struck out with a link to the explanation.
- Canada Family Action Coalition. Several of its affiliates have been included (nos. 30 and 36). (1)
4 My Canada. On them, see here.A.J. Slinger Serviceis a private business, and apparently the same as nos. 13 and 14 below (see here).Alberta Pro-Life Alliance Associationis part of Life Canada (no. 26) and should not be counted twice (see here).Active Christians Engaging Societyis a micro-group based in Sudbury with only four members, see here.- Alliance for Life Ontario (2).
- ARPA Canada (Association for Reformed Political Action) (3).
- Canada Christian College is a real Bible College. But it has the same address and phone numbers as several other groups that seem to be under its control (nos. 12, 19, 24, 25), which have been struck (4).
Canadian Physicians for Lifeis a chapter of Life Canada (no. 26) (see here).- Canadian Alliance for Social Justice and Family Values Association (5).
- Canadian Coalition Democracies (6).
Canadian College of Christian Councelors (sic)has the same contact information as no. 8 Canada Christian College (see here).Can Am Fabricating and Welding: see above, no. 3.Can American Stone Spreader: see above, no. 3.- Catholic Civil Rights League (7).
- Catholic Diocese of Calgary (8).
- Christian Action Federation of New Brunswick (9).
- Christian Social Concern Fellowship (10).
Christians United for Israelhas the same contact information as no. 8, Canada Christian College (see here).Colchester County Right to Life = Colchester Right to Life. See update 2, below.David Murrell, Phd, UNB, Economicsis not a group, but an individual (see here).- Eternally Yours Radio and Telecast Ministry (11).
Eternity Clubis run by the same woman who runs no. 22.Evangelical Association of Canadahas the same contact information as no. 8, Canada Christian College (see here)Institute for Canadian Valueshas the same contact information as no. 8, Canada Christian College (see here)- Life Canada is the national umbrella group for those opposed to abortion. Some of its constituent groups that have been listed include no. 4, 9, 20, 33, 37, 38 (12).
- Life Site News (13).
- Live-In International (14).
- Lutherans for Life (15).
Niagara Chapter - CFACis a constituent part of Canada Family Action Coalition (no. 1) (see here).North Shore Pro Lifeis an affiliate (once removed) of Life Canada (see here in upperdate)- Our Lady of Mercy Parish Pro-Life Burnaby. (16)
Pro-Vie Clare. See update 1, below.Real Women BCis a chapter of Real Women of Canada, no. 35 (see here).- Real Women of Canada (17).
Renfrew County Family Action Councilis a chapter of the Canada Family Action Coalition (see here).Right to Life Association of Newfoundland and Labradoris a constituent group of Life Canada (no. 26).Saskatchewan Pro-Life Associationis a constituent group of Life Canada (no. 26).Takebackcanada.com. is a website, not a group (see here in the updates).Together for Life Ministriesis a one-women wedding service (see here).United Families Canadaseems to be a shell (see here).- Vancouver Jesus Agape Church. (18)
This post will be updated as new information is received.
Update 1. In the comments JJ points out that the group Pro-Vie Clare (no. 33) is a chapter of Life Nova Scotia (see here), which is not in Rushfeldt's list. Life Nova Scotia, however, is a chapter of Life Canada (see here). Since the mother organization of Pro-Vie's mother organization is already in the list, it should be excluded.
Update 2. Colchester Right to Life (no. 20) is also a chapter of Life Nova Scotia (see here and update 1).
Update 3. Numbering (in red) added to make the count easier.
Updates to this post and discussion of its items are welcome in the comments. But please note my comments policy.
Whooee! Best blog title I've seen in years -- maybe best ever. Good sleuthin', too.
Wow! Less than half are actually legitimate groups. That's pretty stunning.
"Pro-vie Clare" is a member of "Life Nova Scotia" which is a member of Life Canada.
Another one bites the dust?
I see the link from PVC to LNS, JJ. But I'm unsure of the relation between LNS and Life Canada. (It's not mentioned here.
LNS says they are a member of Life Canada, but they don't actually link to Life Canada. And Life Canada doesn't mention them. Maybe there are issues between the groups and they split up.
Now that the weeding has been done, has the time for categorization arrived.
For example, had a gander at the mirrored sites for fake 22/23 (real 'll'), and in going back and forth while checking things out I couldn't help but notice that I increased the hit counter, on my own, in less than 15 minutes, by a percent or two.
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