Tuesday, December 09, 2008

New contest: help the separatists pick a council!

Regular readers of BCL found a startling headline this morning: New Western Separatist Organization Consists Of One Guy! He's referring, of course, to the new Western Business and Taxpayer's Association", which so far as anyone can see, has only one member, its executive director David Crutcher, a Calgary businessman active in provincial politics.

The rest of the council, as you can see from the screenshot below, is TBA.

It would be churlish of us not to pitch in with the helping hand by holding a contest to pick a council for them. There are, as you can see, eight positions vacant. You can nominate someone for each position, or some of them. Or you can make up your own new positions and pick who is best to fill it! Prizes for the best suggestions!



buckets said...

Given the involvement of Eric Gregson in the WBTA, we should assume that he'll have a role in the coming council. I'm guessing that he'll be vice-president and Chandler will be president.

Jane Morgan said...

Didn't realize you had this one open for comments. Thanks for doing that.

I know it is hard to believe, but I think Chandler is staying well in the background on this. I don't think his name will appear on the board.

I have mentioned it elsewhere, but given Dundas is now involved; I would look for the names Gail Kondratoff and Alan Clark to appear.

A long shot might be Jefferson Galapski; but he is pretty level headed so might shy away from this ensemble.

My wildcard pick is Merle Terlesky. LOL

buckets said...

Thanks, Jane. Merle? That would be wild!

Given that Gail K. was Dundas' no. 2 at Republic of Whatever, I'd be surprised that she was made president. Maybe something further down.

Alan Clark is a name to be kept in the mix. But my impression is that he doesn't play well with others.

One other thing that we might look for is another name or two coming out of the PGIB crowd. I'm still betting on Chandler for President.