Sunday, April 06, 2008

Who else used in December 2003?

Update. As you can see here, the reason that there are so many posts from such a variety of individuals through this IP is because it was one of Rogers' proxy servers and therefore forwarded internet traffic for hundreds of thousands of users.

I had created a list of places where we can see (or its host-name equivalent, being used in 2003 here, and have been adding to it as I found new examples. That list has now grown a little unwieldy, so I am replacing it with several shorter lists (indexed at the bottom). Here is a list of attested users in December, 2003, which I divide into two lists. The first list is examples of the IP (or host-name equivalent) appearing in monthly visitor logs, which only allow us to conclude that the visit had taken place sometime during the month. The second list are cases where we know the specific date.
  1. during Dec. 2003 this IP visited;
  2. during Dec. 2003 (= visited;
  3. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  4. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  5. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  6. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited TxCETP on;
  7. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  8. during Dec. 2003 this IP visited the site of a West Florida chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism;
  9. during Dec. 2003 this IP visited;
  10. during Dec. 2003 this IP visited the website of a Vietnamese church in Ottawa;
  11. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  12. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited the;
  13. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  14. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited a blog at;
  15. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited;
  16. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited a holiday suites site from Vancouver island;
  17. during Dec. 2003 wc09.mtnk.etc visited a Korean (?) weblog;
Specific day known:
  1. on Dec. 2, 2003, "kovalan" used wc09.etc to post to a Tamil message board;
  2. on Dec. 3, 2003, "Paramesh" used wco9.etc to ask for cooking advice;
  3. on Dec. 9, 2003, this IP visited a computer science student's site at the University of Alberta on Post's Correspondence Problem;
  4. on Dec. 10, 2003 "debbie" posted to a Home Business Discussion Board using this IP;
  5. on Dec. 11, 2003, this IP visited a computer science student's site at the University of Alberta on a famous math problem;
  6. on Dec. 13, 2003, wc09.etc visited a German online philatelic shop;
  7. on Dec. 20, 2003, "Tulika Mehta" used wc09.etc to post on Indian classical music;
  8. on Dec. 24, 2003, "Sherman Sherwood" used wc09.etc to post to a discussion board on Ondachi's "Anils Ghost"

    Other lists can be see here:

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